Already…. I know. This week is halfway though already and I feel like its just beginning. On Saturday I travelled to Melbourne for a two day workshop with other amazing photographers. The workshop had three different photographers sharing their work with us and how they do the magic that they do! It was great to also meet other photographers and make new friends. But the information overload at this moment in time is huge!!!! and I can not wait to put it all into practice. We are always learning, and even though the workshop was more designed for wedding photographers, there are always aspects that can be put into other type of photography. And thats what I’m so excited about! It all also ties in very nicely with what I’m doing in July…. Here are some of my personal photographs from my weekend away.

Lots of walking to the venue and back. I don’t take a lot of photos during the workshop, I rather watch and observer. So there is only this one from the workshop it self.