Angie Duncan Photography

I broke my own rules and could have paid the price associated with that.
My rule? Do one thing and do it well!
Running 3 businesses does not really work with this rule.
I realised this, as I began to feel burned out at the end of last year. Why did I do this to myself? What was I thinking?
Yes the second business is seasonal one and it’s season is almost over but it could have taken its toll on my main business. Photography.
We won’t even mention the third business…
Don’t get me wrong I am good, even great at my other businesses, but I did go into it know that this wasn’t a business that I would be doing for the long haul. It’s a fad, and I was lucky to jump on the band wagon when it was still new and shiny.
We all think that we are great at multitasking, but the truth is we can only get amazing results if we focus on one thing and one thing only.
My ONE thing?
It’s Photography and it always has been and it always will be.
It’s time I came back home and to my one true love.